Have you tried putting a Print to String node in between the ‘faulty’ connections and checked the output log?
Currently, when I run my blueprint, the sequence node only goes down one path. I’ve tried switching then 0 and then 1, but it only goes down the path leading to DoOnce. It’s hooked up to an eventtick funtion.
Here is a photo of the problem node, if that has any bearing.
The wire flow does not render in some instances. You can easily test it by executing something; as Schnittbrot suggested, Print String is by far the most convenient node to do this.
Also, your Sequence 0 pin definitely fires unless you are in a function and return early.
Thanks for the idea, the exec will go to the print string, but no further. It must be something with that node? I previously had a IsValid? node there, and that only ran once every ~30 seconds.
The logs support what is shown to happen here. The “check if Picked Up” node is very complicated, so maybe it times out? I have no idea, just guessing.
I placed print nodes outside of the node, and they did not fire. even if the stuff within the node is firing, I need to get those outputs
I also added a picture of the collapsed graph to the initial post for reference.
Edit: Thanks for the link, I’ll test that.
Are you saying that PickedUp & noPickedUp never execute? The issue may then lay in the collapsed graph. Consider handling Failed Ccasts, too. At the moment there are several paths that are not covered and one branch that would result in flow termination.
I’ve figured it out. The collapsed node checked if the object was any of the classes I had defined for use within my menu. I had swapped out a class without changing the class checker. Thanks for the quick responses and help.
I bet that if you set up another Print String within your collapsed graph it’ll fire
You could also use breakpoints, with those you can see step by step how your logic is being executed.
You’re welcome. Thanks for flagging it as resolved.
Thank you very much, the issue did lie within the collapsed graph. I’ve posted the answer. Thanks for the quick responses and helping me though it.