Hello Epic Guys!
I am experiencing some problems with attach in sequence editor. First i tried with skeletal meshes (to socket or bone) it didnt work. Then i tested it with simply attaching a flame particle to the chair in Default starter content project minimal _default map. It still didnt work.
Best regards
Előd Somogyi
Hi elodakielod,
Thanks for reporting this, I’ve entered it in our system as UE-30373.
Hi . I’m in an (unfortunately) forked build of the Unreal Engine @ 4.12. I would like to port the fix for this bug into our engine version but I can’t find anything in the commit history specifically referencing this jira ticket number. Was this possibly fixed as a byproduct of another fix? Can I possibly get some help finding the relevant commits in github?
Hey Morgan,
It was part of the following commit: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/888c42933d10f5dd6cfc8eb227fa28a4c4941de7
The files from the fixCL are:
- MovieScene3DAttachTemplate.cpp
- MovieScene3DAttachTemplate.h
- MovieScene3DAttachTrack.cpp
- MovieScene3DAttachTrack.h
- MovieScene3DAttachTrackInstance.cpp
- MovieScene3DAttachTrackInstance.h