Hey so I originally had a single map in my project which included a trigger box that would test if the player had the right amount of items to escape the area and then load the next level.
After duplicating the level and duplicating the trigger box so I could give it a different function, the player doesn’t continue to the next area, even with all the same scripting as the previous box in the other level.
Have you set the values of Finish_Box_Trigger? I guess that you are placing this actor in the scene, and setting this variable to reference one of the triggers that you have placed in the map, through the details panel. Are both set correctly?
I’ll add in more detail how it’s setup, first I have an object in the world which when the player picks up, calls on the function in Finish_Box_Trigger. This sets the variable to true so that only once the character has picked up that item can the box be triggered.