Separate the Texture and Mesh quality option for Megascans bridge

Hi, I recently faced a problem where I wanted to use the mesh from Quixel Megascans and was using the bridge plugin in unreal engine 5.1.
And the problem was I wanted to use Nanite quality mesh, but I tried to download the texture with 4K resolution I only have one dropdown menu that determines the mesh and texture quality which isn’t that friendly for people who just want to use high poly mesh while they want to keep the texture with a smaller resolution.

It would be great if we can have 2 different dropdown menus.
1st for mesh quality and 2nd for texture quality. It would make the processes easier for people who have a low-speed internet connection and want to save SSD space.


I second that.

I don’t know why we have to download 8K (!!) textures when we just want the high poly mesh with a sufficent 2K texture.


To me it just seems dumb you cannot set the export formats, packing, etc; things one can do inside Mixer and Bridge, today.

Forcing someone into an arbitrary workflow is not a step forward.


This, so much this!
My computer can handle Nanite quite easily, it can’t handle 8K textures. So I have to manually go through each texture to tell them the max rendering resolution for each (Albedo=2048, normalmap=1024, everything else=512. for example) which adds a step that takes forever.
Trying to do it in bulk with the matrix editor freezes my whole PC for hours.
There’s not good way to go around it and it’s such a waste of time


I don’t understand why this is not a thing, forcing people to get the huge 8k textures when using the nanite option is not good for game development, if we could simply choose to use the nanite mesh with a quality option for textures it would be much better.

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+1 for this.

At first, I thought that I just missed some option, but it turns out that we really can’t change the texture size via any download/import options - it’s almost always 8k when the mesh quality is set to Nanite - which is a huge overkill and slows down the workflow considerably.


Export options atm are way too limited.