Separate structure from inventory

What I’m trying to do is make a structure that you are able to walk in to, but one area inside has in inventory (like a fridge), however, when I make walls or floors or anything in the same blueprint, they can all access the inventory of the fridge. Is there any way to fix this that’s not too complicated?

What do you mean, “In the same blueprint?”

like the same static mesh.

Im having a hard time understanding why the structure and the “fridge” asset would be part of the same mesh, or even the same object. Can you explain what you are trying to do?

sounds like they are trying to make a room with a fridge a “prebuilt” structure if you will…

More asking WHY… why not make them separate? But I’ve not tried playing with this yet, but perhaps try adding the fridge item as a component of the actual structure. So build too different items then within the dev kit add the fridge asset as a component of the structure asset.

I’ll try that and see if it works. I tried it the other way and added the room to the fridge, (making a walk-in freezer btw), and it makes the inventory accessible from the outside by using the wall. (the wall becomes an interface for the inventory access)

the problem is if the inventoried object and the static object are part of the same mesh then the entire mesh will be recognized for the actions… which is why i think the component is your only option (if it even works)… Though you may be able to define an actionable area on your mesh… I haven’t even looked into that at all.

Just a heads up I have ZERO experience with ANY of this haha. So everything I’m saying is purely outside the box thinking and is try at your own risk :stuck_out_tongue:

any thoughts on a fix?

Quick idea here: Make your structure and fridge two separate blueprints. Setup the inventory on the fridge blueprint. Then add the fridge blueprint to the structure blueprint as a child actor component and see what happens :smiley:
I never tried this but i think it could maybe work like that.

and there is your resident … cleaning up my jumbled thoughts with how you would actually do it :stuck_out_tongue: