SEO And The Sub-domain Migration For Cpp Documentation

Greetings Unreal Engine Developers!

I wanted to write to the team about the recent change in sub-domain for the cpp documentation and the results from search engines.

I typically use a search engine to lookup various cpp reference/documentation details to learn the engine (especially without an official CHM/offline resource). When preforming a search engine query for “FHitResult,” one is directed to the following URL: FHitResult | Unreal Engine Documentation

After visiting this link, one is greeted by the following message, “The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.”

Changing the sub-domain from docs to api results in the correct/expected information: FHitResult | Unreal Engine Documentation

I do not know much about search engine optimization, but having the correct resource be displayed as the top search result would be greatly appreciated. Or maybe in the meantime a redirection to the correct sub-domain is more plausible.

Thank you for your time and keep up the good work!

Hey ProChaser!

Sorry for the confusion here. We should have had redirects in place to make sure existing links worked and took you to the new location for the API references, but they weren’t working at first. I think we have those working now, but I apologize for the hassle it may have caused.

Let me know if you are still seeing any links not working. Also,let me know if you have any other questions or concerns about any changes you may be seeing.

Greetings !

The redirection seems to be working as well as can be expected, at least on the varied queries I tested. Thanks for the quick action!