Sending variables between metasounds

Hi all, I’m trying to send Int variables between MetaSound patches so that they both play the same track selected from an array.

I’ve got each of the Int variable values set to Output Nodes on one of the MetaSound patches (IMG1) and I’ve “called” the requred MetaSound patch in the patch that I need the values (IMG2). When I hook up the Value outputs to the required inputs and test it in the game they aren’t following the set values. How do I set this up correctly?

Thanks in advance.

MetaSound output variables are non-functional as of 5.0.3—I haven’t heard if it’s to be included in 5.1 or not.

Have you considered handling portions of your logic in Blueprints instead?

I’m not super clear on what you’re trying to do, but maybe rather than trying to have an output, you could have your MetaSounds take an input that receives a value from a Blueprint (or perhaps another “parent” MetaSound). The input could be an Int value to get from an array, or you could have the input be the actual wave asset so you don’t need to maintain separate array contents unless they are unique.