Sending text to player HUD

Hi all,

I’ve been wracking my head trying to figure out how to set text/strings to a players HUD notification area… the place where messages like “You are freezing”, “You have been killed by” etc… scroll up.

Anyone got any ideas on this?

I know its easy enough to create and add my own widget to the viewport… the reason why I wanted to use the main HUD window is because I’m trying to set the string as part of playerpawntest dispossess event… and the issue is that the playerpawn blueprint and its graph is getting torn down before it completes a 5 second delay and removes itself (when the player respawns, the widget remains and is overlapped by another instance of the widget.

(for those interested, I’m making a visual script that removes XP from a players total XP, based on a .ini setting).

Thanks in advance.

Client Server Notification is all they are I’m pretty sure. You’ll most likely need to disable context sensitive to find it.

Takes a ShooterController reference, displays a string where you can set the size to draw the text at, how long to show it, you an display an icon and play a sound.


client notifications on the BP graph

Wah-wah, too slow.

;] I kid.


wanna fight!??! lets go son!!!

Imma one up you right here.

OH SNAP! :stuck_out_tongue:

drops mic

The notification to HUD worked like a charm :slight_smile:

However(!), as part of a dispossess event no text is appearing.

Edit: confirmed that the dispossess event causes the Cast to Shooter Game Controller to fail… no controller exists when dead (makes sense).

So there must be some other way of sending text to the notification area other than via the player controller.
Or maybe I need to send the text to the respawn widget… which bodes the question… how to target the respawn widget if no player controller exists.

I’m trying to follow along as my current project requires a message to be broadcast globally when someone walks through a trigger spot.

I’ve got the player detection down, but cannot get the notification to work.

JSlay, thank you for the screenshot! I’ve got the Get Owner Controller node made but the other two, Cast to ShooterPlayerController and Client Server Notification are not options for new nodes (tried searching for each of the keywords, in whole and in part). Please assume no unreal experience on my part; I’m brand new to it. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Ertosi, have you clicked off “Context-sensitive” when you search?