Hello guys,
I’am bit stuck and noob with all this.
I’m trying to do when I click on a button, it send a “command” to another blueprint with a mesh.
But I can’t seem to figure out how to graph it.
Thanks for the help. Have a nice day
Hello guys,
I’am bit stuck and noob with all this.
I’m trying to do when I click on a button, it send a “command” to another blueprint with a mesh.
But I can’t seem to figure out how to graph it.
Thanks for the help. Have a nice day
I did an example in this post with a umg click/ blueprint effect : Change visibility mesh object with button - Blueprint Visual Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums
This is the same if you use a 3d widget. In both cases, you need to have the reference of the specific actor you want interact with. Or you get all actors in the level and fine the one you need, or you create a reference of this actor and use the reference when you need it.
Hello Fen,
Thanks I will look into it.
Tried to understand but clearly I missing a lot, So I wanted to simplify it.
Starting with clicking on a button, then execute something on the other blueprint, like a show string.
But this doesn’t work Really frustrating.
So the hello string works but not the one in the other blueprint. So I guess the command never arrive on the other blueprint?
You guess right. You need to set your variable with the specific actor in the level (if for example you have 10 mur1 (this sounds french a bit ^^) you need to know which one receives the info. Why you have to do a “get all actors” (list all actors of same type in level) and “get” the one if you have only one or do a “for each loop” and find the one you need.
Variables are like empty boxes and you have to fill them to be able to use them, with an integer if this is an integer variable, with a specific “mur1” if this is a “mur1” variable.
Oh yes It works now.
Thanks ! a lot (yes it sounds french i’m from belgium)