send2unreal, error about Groom plugin in unreal

“Please enable missing plugins in Unreal: Groom. Or disable the Groom import setting.”
When I tried to export, popup this bug into log
I already enable all Groom plugins in Unreal… I tried to disable Groom import setting, but didn’t find how…
I have one open unreal project
I have all meshes I need in Export group
I checked all option or enabled plugin what it needs, by this video
Please, help me with my issue

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I am having the same problem. Did you find the cause?

I had also been struggling with the same issue with “Blender 3.3.0” and “Send to Unreal 2.2.0”. I was able to confirm that the mesh was exported by unchecking the “Grooms” checkbox in the “Settings Dialog” of Blender and disabling it as follows:

Select “Pipeline” from the top bar, then select “Export” and “Settings Dialog” to display the “Settings Dialog” screen.
Display the “Import” tab, uncheck “Grooms”, and save.
Try “Pipeline” from the top bar again, then “Export” and “Send to Unreal”.


What if you want to send a groom though? It is still erroring.

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Disable groom plugin reset and reactive groom plugin,works for me.


That worked. I don’t know why I didn’t think it would. I got it to work previously, so I didn’t think it’d have to disable it and re-enable it the every time.

Is there an update on this issue? I’ve attempted disabling the Groom Plugin several times, but unfortunately, I continue to get the error. I can’t seem to export my groom to Unreal. Any help is much appreciated! :grinning: