I am unable to get the send to unreal plugin for blender to work. It’s still not working after jumping through the hoops of verifying my github etc, as well as following install and settings setup. When I look at the adon in Blender, there are no indications that it’s working: when I look at pipeline menu there are no added items, and there are no settings to change in edit>prefferences>adons>pipeline:sendtounreal.
running blender 3.61 and have tried with 3.5 with the same result
Have you seen the plugin documentation? First you have to enable the option in Unreal to allow python to execute remotely and remove the option to use less cpu in the background.
This plugin is designed to be a bit unusable, I rarely use it, you might want to try the datasmith plugin, which is available for free on github, and the latest version is sold on gumroad, except that it can’t export skeletons and deformed meshes. Unfortunately, Unreal’s developers say they won’t be doing the datasmith plugin for blender, perhaps under agreement with autodesk. This personal blender datasmith plugin is actually quite good and supports most of blender’s nodes.