Hey there, I’m currently working on an experimental cooperational game for two players playing splitscreen first person. The idea is, to have the players play on two different screens infront of each other. The players can’t see, what their partner is doing and are supposed to wear ear protection / noise cancelling headphones, so they won’t hear each other either. They then communicate via gestures inside of the game.
Since I’m just starting out from scratch with Unreal Engine and don’t have any experience, please feel free to correct me for any wrong claims I’m making here.
As far as I understood, Audio get’s rendered to one channel, according to the nearest player in splitscreen to prevent multiple instances of the sound beeing played. So this would be the first thing that I’d need to reroute. So every player gets their own audio sent to their own channel.
Next would be to send both of these audios to different output channels from UE5 into some kind of ASIO driver. I’d then connect two headsets to a mixer/interface and try to route the audio to these.
Would it make sense to do it this way? Also, where should I start? Would love to hear any ideas, or solutions for this setup.
Thank you very much in advance!