Send Info from Control Rig like Anim Notify State

Hey everyone,

I was working on a 100% procedural animation so I’m doing everything inside the Control Rig. However there is no way afaik to send data from the control rig to others Blueprint which is important for example when an actor swings a weapon and has to deal damage to other actors. Is there a way to send event/notification from whitin Control Rig ?


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Hi @Rashido45 ,
Did you manage to do this?
I want to do virtually the same thing but trigger footstep sounds etc…


I am currently working on a custom ControlRig node that is already able to trigger a Skeleton Notify. This allows me already to use the ControlRig graph to trigger an event on the AnimBP.

Is that something you guys are looking for?

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Sounds cool. I want to know more!

Hi! I find myself in the same position as you guys - did you ever manage to get that skeletal mesh notify node to work?