Semi transparent artefacts in photogrammetry mesh

I am seeing these semi transparent sections in a photogrammetry mesh. It was made with RealityCapture and I did some work with it in Blender. At first, in Blender I simply smoothed out a few sections of wall. When this was imported into UE5.1 these artefacts were all over the smoothed section in addition to all the corners. I then used the decimate tool in Blender to reduce the complexity of the mesh to about 30% of the original. This fixed the issues with the wall but the problem persists in the corners. I tried importing the original FBX exported from RC and there was no problem. However, this mesh is way too noisy to use.

I managed to fix this by disabling two-sided on the materials. If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix the issue with two-sided enabled I would be keen to hear them.

Hi James, you wrote that the original FBX from RC didn’t have this issue, and only the modified mesh had this issue. If I remember correctly, the decimate tool in Blender preserves UVs, and you also used the smoothing tool.

If the geometry changed even slightly, but the UVs and textures didn’t, I think there might be some edge bleeding. Try to increase the Gutter in RealityCapture. This will increase the padding, and when you slightly modify the geometry, the bleeding shouldn’t be visible.