Hey guys. I’m sure this has been brought up before, but what exactly are the requirements/restrictions on publicly selling games made in Unreal Engine 4? Am I allowed to sell them wherever I want? Steam? App Store? Google Play? Thanks!
The only restriction you have is the 5% royalty you have to pay and that you are not allowed to use the UE4 logo without Epics permission. You also have to make sure that people don’t use your game “for operation of nuclear facilities”. The rest is up to you. You can sell the game wherever you want.
ha, i like this statement
basically reads as : “if your game sucks, people shouldn’t know about what engine it uses”
It’s more about “If your game super offensive and about monotonous killing innocent people for no reason then fine, but we don’t want to be associated with it”
So, if it’s anything like GTA?
I doubt GTA is an accurate example of what happened. GTA has a plot, story, etc and it’s really not all that distasteful. There was some game released not too long back (I think it was called Hatred or something like that) where the entire concept of the game was to run around killing people. I didn’t play it but from what I was told there was apparently no other purpose to the game. Your goal in the game was to commit mass murder. I can’t really blame Epic for not wanting their title associated with that kind of game.
It would also be along the same lines of an interactive porn game or something like that. We all know that with VR on the horizon, the porn and gaming industry are on a collision course. I’m sure Epic just requires it so that they can avoid being thought of as associating with rather grey area games.
Even worse, there have been videos circulating in the past few weeks of a game in which you play a Palestinian with the objective of killing unarmed Israelis. That feeds into a real life conflict that is killing real people right now (at least one already today), and is a PR tool used to convince impressionable young people to go off and do something that will probably get themselves and possibly others killed. Can you imagine any company’s name being attached to that?
Of course, we can keep playing the “even worse…” game. Since the games we can make are limited only by our imagination, the places an Epic logo could end up are as dark as the human imagination can go.
OCD is killing me, can somebody please fix the thread title :rolleyes:
[EDIT] Thanks!!!
I see. Thanks for the response.
It was killing me too but I wasn’t able to change it. Thanks to whoever did.