Selling Assets

What will happen if I sell project and using assets from other sellers.

Greetings @jbkm6677

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community Forum. Selling assets from other people without permission can result in copyright issues. I’d recommend reading up on Marketplace Guidelines - Unreal Engine as it will provide a more complete overview. I hope that helps answer your question!

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Thanks for the answer.

I already did that but I still confused ,
let say I haves purchased an 3D Model under License: Extended Commercial License.

What is that mean?
There are free license and extended and much more,…

It’s too complicated.

Is mean I can use it in whatever I want, Creating Projects Games

But I cannot sell this model again?

If it like that?

Can anyone help me to create a dummy 3D model vehicle. So I can replace it in my project before I upload my project,

Hey @jbkm6677!

All assets sold in the Marketplace fall under the Epic EULA as well as the UE Marketplace distribution agreement.

You can also find more info here at the knowledge base under “Content Usage”:

If you are still unsure if you can use those assets for your specific use case, it is highly recommended that you look over this with your own legal council as anything further would constitute as legal advice.

I hope the above is the solution you need!

It’s just too complicated every time I read that information the Eula and the multi license I get more confused,.

I’m sure there are a lot of people they have the same question!

Hi @jbkm6677

As Quetz mentioned, those articles/links would be the best information we could give. Anything beyond that would constitute as legal advice. I agree that the best course of action would be to have a legal team look over it on your behalf. I hope that helps.


Hi, and thanks for your answers,. you know what I meant, if i sell my project, (On the UE Marketplace only). and i have used a couple free Marketplace assets, lets say vehicles helicopters., Niagara system,., and some cue sounds, weapons… etc.

I had contact the owners of these assets, they said the same thing you said. on the Licenses List. there are no information about that.

On The Epic Content EULA,. there are only a couple limited information about selling assets outside the UE Marketplace.

I want sell my project using these assets., and its only on UE Marketplace.

Hope you understand me well.
Thanks again.

Hey @jbkm6677,

From here, it may be in your best interest to reach out to Unreal Engine Marketplace support as there is a chance they could give you more guidance on the matter: