Selling Assets that use the Material UI Lab Functions

If I wanted to build a bunch of cool widgets and materials to sell on the Marketplace, would I be allowed to leverage the material UI lab material functions? Or would I be required to write my own? I wouldn’t want to require people to have the entire material lab addon added to their project as a dependancy.

Which options are available while being very much compliant? I don’t want to just re-package the UI lab stuff, but I wanted to leverage it, so in that sense, it would be “core” to how the asset pack functions, so I’m not sure if that’s allowed.

Hey @AdaptiveDesign! Welcome to the Forums!

Since this is a new feature and an Unreal plugin, your best bet for a direct answer to this question would be to reach out to Unreal Marketplace Support and see if this is currently supported by the Unreal Marketplace. However, if your assets are entirely made from their content, you will most likely be unable to do so, as Epic content should be used for demo purposes only. Here is the link where you can do so:

You can also test your product by removing the plugin to see if your materials still work.

Good luck with creating your product!

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