seller profile has been discontinued


I have been tring for a while to traénsfer my works from sketchfab to fab,
but each time I try, the only thing I have is the error page with :
" Sorry, your seller profile has been discontinued, Please contact with any questions or concerns."

If I click on FAB Icon,
I have this:
" Thanks!
Your profile is currently being reviewed by Epic staff, this could take up to 36 hours.
Please make sure that you’re logged-in. If you are, please check back soon to migrate your content. "
Take up to 36 hours should be replaced by weeks months at this time…
If I try to become a publisher again, I will go back to the ,top of this topic and so on…

Hi @blackantmaster . Sorry this is giving you the runaround. Please submit a ticket here and our team will reset your account.

A few people have been running into this issue and it seems to be related to incomplete UE Marketplace signup from some time in the past.

Says it’s 48 hours to me

Hello , Abby, I can’t send Support,Can you help me?

Excuse me?Has your problem been resolved?

Hi there - our team will reach out to you later today to try to troubleshoot this issue with you directly.

Thank you!! Abby.

What’s wroong with it??

Thank you very much.

I have the same problem. There is no thread on the support page about this issue, although I’m sure it’s quite common.

As I understand it, it’s easier to register a new account on FAB than to wait for the old one to be restored. It is strange that the usual violation of data transmission deadlines leads to such disasters.

Why hasn’t my FAB account been unblocked yet? It’s been 3 days already. Yes, I didn’t have time to enter the data, but is it really so scary that it requires making such serious decisions as blocking an account?
Is it possible to restore access to FAB after a problem has arisen? “your seller profile has been discontinued”

Have you been in touch with the support team? They should be able to assist you.

Yes, I sent two requests 3 days ago. It seems to me that such a system, where when sending a request to technical support, there is no way to track the request number, and there is also no communication by email, is quite ineffective.

@Abby I have also run into this issue, and i already submit a ticket to FabSupport(but using Chinese ). I hope can be reset my account issue. thank you!

thank you abby, my account is reset! :heartpulse:

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Glad to hear it! Thanks for your patience. :slight_smile: