seller profile has been discontinued


I have been tring for a while to traénsfer my works from sketchfab to fab,
but each time I try, the only thing I have is the error page with :
" Sorry, your seller profile has been discontinued, Please contact with any questions or concerns."

If I click on FAB Icon,
I have this:
" Thanks!
Your profile is currently being reviewed by Epic staff, this could take up to 36 hours.
Please make sure that you’re logged-in. If you are, please check back soon to migrate your content. "
Take up to 36 hours should be replaced by weeks months at this time…
If I try to become a publisher again, I will go back to the ,top of this topic and so on…

Hi @blackantmaster . Sorry this is giving you the runaround. Please submit a ticket here and our team will reset your account.

A few people have been running into this issue and it seems to be related to incomplete UE Marketplace signup from some time in the past.