Hey everyone!
A few weekends ago I posted a tweet to #ScreenshotSaturday showing a little test room I’d been putting together; a few people expressed an interest so I thought I’d clean it up a little and post it here
I’ve had this project in mind for a while, but it only recently clicked; Here’s a rough outline.
Self is a walking simulator which explores the concept of self identity. The player controls two characters which both inhabit the same body; each sees the world slightly differently. The player can swap between these characters at will, allowing them to observe how the environment changes. The player can also interact with a number of objects throughout the environment; some of which only be seen and/or interacted with by one character. As the player moves through the environment they are required to swap between characters to solve simple puzzles and progress the story.
I’ve gone with a pseudo monochrome style; it plays well to the planned narrative, and by inverting the colour it provides a good visual difference between characters without having everything clash horribly and/or feeling very fake (orange sky, red grass, etc). Currently the characters are refereed to as Black and White but I’ll likely never present this to the player, so it’s largely just to help manage objects.
So far I have 3 basic object interactions; Using objects, reading objects, and examining objects. I’ve also set up character specific objects which are only visible for the intended character, as well as a focus ability controlled by a volume.
This is only an early tech demo; I’m largely posting this to try and rout out any major issues and test deployment (something I’m not massively familiar with). It’s also done using Blueprint and UMG, which some people might find neat; since I don’t have any real programming experience this wouldn’t exist, so I’m happy to take the rough with the smooth when it comes to BP and UMG.
Thanks for taking a look, hope you guys like it!