Selective user trouble generating project solution file in UE5.0.2 Source

Hello, we are having an issue with source-built UE5.0.2 for some members of our team and after several days of trying to find an answer, checking the Q&A section among other forums, it is proving difficult.

We are distributing our source-built engine via SVN between team members, pushing engine intermediate and binary folders to avoid each having to rebuild the engine locally. For half of the team this works flawlessly but for the rest, we are having trouble generating visual studio project files (for the project not the engine).

The Generate Visual Studio Project Files function runs on the .uproject yet produces only an intermediate folder before finishing without error, ignoring the binaries folder and solution file.

The project we are trying to open is in it’s own folder within the source engine folder and .uproject file has a blank engine association (meaning the project should default to using the engine in it’s parent directory).

I will attach the logs to this, the UnrealVersionSelector.log from the project ProjectFolder\Saved\Logs directory and the Log_GPF.txt from the Engine\Programs\UnrealBuildTool directory maybe. there is something we are missing but it seems like it’s working but then just not writing those files to the filesystem. Is there another place we can see any potential errors that are happening?

Here are the Visual Studio workloads and components currently being used by all team members.

Log_GPF.txt (160.7 KB)
UnrealVersionSelector-2022.07.06-12.27.13.log (163.5 KB)

Rory OD
Project Gamechanger