In the viewport when selecting either mesh or volume etc. there is an orange selection border that appears. Is there any built-in way to get the same happen in game play ?
That sure would be cool. Seeing as how it is part of the engine, it should be easy to be part of the gameplay, but it is only in the editor.
You may be intersted in something like this:
Interesting idea, not sure if it’s what I’m looking for but thanks. Could layer a material with a fresnel or something similar, just get the edges.
For a simple way of doing this using Draw Lines in the HUD, this would work:
Player Controller:
Note not shown here in the HUD on begin play I get playercontroller, cast it my playercontroller and save it as a variable.
edit: looks like this:
Oh ha, guess I misinterpreted this question
you only one who take it as it is.
that’s actually selection border, not a post process highlight.
Not a problem Mosel3y.
CriErr, can you put up a picture ? Not wanting to download.
If i put the picture and you like what you see, you would download despire a malware danger?)
material called M_Highlight, its from content examples, gl