Selecting only child in prefab

Hi there,
I have a question. When i have multiple objects in prefab, in viewport i want to select those objects, but always when i do it, it first selects prefab, then after another click it selects the object, then when i want to select the second object, the same happens, first prefab, then object… I would love to have an option to select only objects wich are inside the prefab. Because now i always have to select everything i want by double clicking, then going back to prefab in outliner and unselect it.

Thank you.

By prefab, I assume you mean blueprint?

Once it’s double-clicked, you can move the various parts just by clicking them.

Nah i mean prefab, i have few assets in one prefab and when i want to select them in viewport i always must:

Click on them once (Selects prefab)
Second time (Selects the asset in prefab)
Then i want to select another asset in the same prefab so i
Click on it once (Selects prefab again)
Click on it for second time (selects the asset)

And after i select all the assets in prefab i want, i also have to deselect the whole prefab so i can move them, rotate, etc.

Oh, these ‘new fangled’ prefabs ( that are really a sublevel ).

Well, a blueprint is easier then :slight_smile:

Or use an actual prefab generator