Selecting a Menu Button causes the screen to go black

Hello everybody,

I am experiencing a couple of annoying menu issues.

  1. I have set up a Main Menu and have set up a host game menu button with a script and everything. When I select that menu option nothing comes up even though I have made the Host Menu menu properly configured. In this video you can see how I have the blueprint set up. Is there something I may have missed to prevent the host menu to appear when it is selected?
  2. The Second issue is my options menu button. If I enter the options menu a second time the screen appears blank. Is there some sort of redundancy that I need to build in so I can back out and go back into the Options menu?alt text

Here is a video showcasing these two issues.What did I miss?

Some more possibly helpful info. I have also set up a game instance blueprint for the host menu. I can’t seem to figure out where I have screwed up quite yet.

facepalm I forgot to connect the set node to the add to viewport node. Thats why it was blacking out… The game instance never was told to display the menu widget which means that it had nothing to display.