Hello everyone,
I am trying to create my in game pause menu on a paper2D project.
The problem i am facing is that HUD does not support animations or flipbooks and the new UMG is … a bit broken at the moment plus i do not know if it will support flipbooks in the near future.
The easiest way to achieve a cool,super smooth animated pause screen at the moment (for me at least) is to create a flipbook Blueprint and when you pause your game, you just spawn in in the center of the screen.From there you can use the character controller to get axis inputs and depending if you are pressing up or down you can set visible/invisible your flipbooks that are inside the blueprint and thus the player thinks that he is moving up and down on the menu.I have already done it in my main menu screen and to be honest it is a lot easier and better looking than any HUD blueprint i could ever create.
My problem lies now to the fact that if i set time dilation to 0 then the pause screen works like a charm since all blueprints keep working but the downside is that everything is moving at a veeeery slow pace.
Now if i use “Pause command” i can still get my axis movements since they have an option to get results when the game is paused ,but all the rest Blueprints are dead.
Is there a way to set which Blueprints are affected by the “pause” command?
If not that would be a killer idea for you to implement but for the time being does anyone have any idea how can i achieve any of the above?
Either please tell me how to stop things moving with time dilation to 0 (my character is easy because(as long he is not falling that is) i can block him with a simple bool “is_paused” =True.The problem is with projectiles, etc) or even better if i can choose which Blueprints are affected by the pause command.
Thank you