Select Random Map

I need a code that selects a random map for my game, the maps are ready, but I couldn’t understand this random map code. What I want is, for example, random map selection in crab game or Fall Guys. But it should work like this: After the player sets up the server and the game starts, everyone should go to the same map

get branch in boleoan plug in idk the name but i think it ( pool with random weight ) or smth like that when i will be home i will check and tell u

on true plug in open level by name on false plug the other map or u can make the branch with 2 other map

uhhhhhhh… I didn’t understand anything.

Make an array of strings in a property in your GameMode.
Add the name of each map to that array.
When the server starts up (and everytime afterwards you need a new map,) get a random element from that array, and load that map.
When the server loads a map, every loaded client will also load that map.

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oh i will send you a pic of how to do it just remind me after 3 hours

ignore the first way i send you this one is better

also how do you want it to be (the random map select ) do you want it as a button in a widget as random map buttom

I did what you said and ran it in net mode, one of them went in and the others stayed on the loading screen…

If you don’t understand I can send you a video on discord

in the select option what did you type (you should type the world name

Yes, I wrote the level name

so one of the map worked and the other maps kept on the loading screen

Hey there, how can you do it with multiple people to get transported to map bc i plug it in and only host is transported?

this is because only the host is running the event i sent . so i believe that you are using it on the character bp.

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try un pluging the open level by name and make another custom event plug the open level by name there


after that, you should create another blueprint , its the blueprint interface and add in input variable boolean name it should tp to map?


add the interface to you character , and inter the function if plug it should tp to map? into branch and on true plug it onto the event you created


now go to the place you un pluged the open level by name from and call that message is should be called the thing you named it

( am not sure if it will work because i didnt try it)

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