The select nodes in UE4 are great, but they lack one major feature, which is the ability to add a pin. Currently I am only able to select between 2 items with the standard select nodes, I’d like to be able to maybe have 4 or 5 nodes in a select string, and select them based on an int. I use nodes like these quite often, as often as I do a branch or sequence, and I think that this feature would make a great addition to blueprints, unless there is already something like this.
If I understand you right then this is already working (rightclick on the Select node and choose “Add Option Pin”):
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Don’t know why, but is happening the same to me. (Solution below)
I did a couple of tests;
When the Select is clean, you can add a pin:
However, when you specify the type of index, the option gets disabled:
So, after a bit of thinking, I understood that as I was using a Get Surface Type which is a Enum, obviously I have to edit the Enum to add pins. In fact, the commentary from GetSurfaceType is quite useful
Wow this is amazing, thanks a lot guys!
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