Select By Enum node returns null in packaged game


I have a strange bug… I use this select node to select a UserWidget class:

and everything works like a charm in PIE or standalone game, but in a packaged build, it just returns nullptr. The enum value is still correct (i had a print right before and after the select), just the return value is nullptr.

Does anybody have any idea what might be wrong here? The enum is specified in code and the function is declared as

UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = UI)
TSubclassOf<UTutorialWidget> GetTutorialClassByEnum(ETutorial Tutorial);

UTutorialWidget derives from UUserWidget.


EDIT: Okay, so apparently the select isn’t the problem. I just set the function to always return one specific widget class and in code it’s still nullptr. Can’t I call BlueprintImplementableEvents in code? The print nodes I put in there were executed, so I thought it worked… I tried to avoid having asset paths in code and used this BP function instead, but maybe there is no other way than to put it in code as well?

EDIT2: Just changed the function signature to

UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = UI)
void GetTutorialClassByEnum(ETutorial Tutorial, TSubclassOf<UTutorialWidget> &Class);

still, the same problem.