Select and manage substrings from array of strings (text file)

I’m making a script that reads an entire xml(.txt) file and prints selected items on the screen (through a foreach loop). I’ve no problem to select a substring in the file and print it but I’m not sure how to make it generic. For instance(see picture no.1), when the script reach the substring <ParameterValue> I want to print the value next to the string (22200). The file is large, therefor I wanna loop it and print the value everytime <ParameterValue> appears. The xml file is used as an array of strings in the script (see picture no.2)

So, is there any function that can do this kind of operation?

Thanks in advance!



If you are using XML why not do a convert over to CSV and import it in as a data table, then you can get this functionality quite easily since all of the data comes through in rows based on your custom struct?

So there’s no way to work directly from the xml file? I try to have as few steps as possible in the process and manage to do it without conversions, but if it’s not possible I’ll try that approach. Thanks for your answer!

okay, so I have converted it to a .csv file but the problem remains. Thing is that I want to make a blueprint script that allows the user of the .exe application to press a buttom in the UI and that operation shall lead to import of selected data from the file and print the data on the screen. To be clear; I don’t want to import the data table into the UE editor, it shall be imported by the user via a BP script.