Select all actors, copy cause delete question?

I have for now 1 243 actors on multilayer scene.
I select one, then I pressed ctrl+A to select all.
Next I pressed ctrl+C to copy and then I’ve got
“Actor actorname is referenced by another Actor, do you really want to delete it?”

I can paste them into some text editor after that, but why this question appear?
I’m very sure that I pressed ctrl+C NOT X.

Hi Calemb,

This generally pops up because an actor is directly referencing another actor in the level. For instance, in a Blank project, the SkySphere is referencing the LightSource and this issue can be easily reproduced there.

However, I’m unsure why this popup is appearing on Copy. So I have entered JIRA UE-36314. Our developers will be investigating further. In the meantime, you can follow that link to vote and see the status of the bug.



Thank You, I’ll follow this bug.