segmentation fault when trying to launch packaged project on ubuntu 20.04 (UE5.3.2)


I packaged a game on a ubuntu 22.04 machine with ue 5.3.2. It worked nicely. I also tried to move it to another PC with ubuntu 22.04 and it still launched and worked.

But after I tried to put the packaged game on ubuntu 20.04 It didn’t launch. I keep getting error:

Caught signal 11 Segmentation fault!UnknownFunction(0x1441f)

This error keeps happening after I am trying to launch sh script (on ubuntu 20.04) from directory after packaging the project.

[2024.04.12-13.27.30:069][  0]LogInit: Using SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL
[2024.04.12-13.27.30:135][  0]LogInit: FSlateOpenGLContext::Initialize - creating OpenGL 2.1 context
[2024.04.12-13.27.30:186][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value
[2024.04.12-13.27.30:186][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value
[2024.04.12-13.27.30:232][  0]LogInit: FSlateOpenGLContext::Initialize - creating OpenGL 2.1 context
[2024.04.12-13.27.30:237][  0]LogSlate: Took 0.000942 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf' (155K)
[2024.04.12-13.27.30:239][  0]LogSlate: Took 0.000902 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf' (160K)
[2024.04.12-13.27.30:242][  0]LogSlate: Took 0.000931 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf' (157K)
[2024.04.12-13.30.51:926][  0]LogSlate: Request Window 'MyProject Crash Reporter' being destroyed
[2024.04.12-13.30.51:926][  0]LogSlate: Window 'MyProject Crash Reporter' being destroyed
[2024.04.12-13.30.51:932][  0]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: OnRequestExit)

As you can see after loading fonts (which probably is not the case) there are no messages, crashreporter just pops up and tells me the message above (about seg fault).

I tried both Shipping and Development configurations when packaging on ubuntu 22.04 but none of them helped.

Console command arguments from logs after running packaging (I tried running UAT by myself and packaging from UnrealEditor):
BuildCookRun -nop4 -utf8output -nocompileeditor -skipbuildeditor -cook -project=/home/user/Documents/MyProject/MyProject/MyProject.uproject -target=MyProject -unrealexe=/home/user/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealEditor-Linux-DebugGame -platform=Linux -stage -archive -package -build -pak -iostore -compressed -prereqs -archivedirectory=/home/user/Documents/MyProject/MyProject/Deployment/Test/ -distribution -CrashReporter -clientconfig=Shipping -nocompile -nocompileuat

What could be the case and what can I do to overcome this problem? seems to be missing in later versions of ubuntu. You probably need to either compile it or install it from the packet manager. (I use cinnamon but I’m pretty sure ubuntu will have it’s own pkman)

I’ve seen on most forums people mentioning:

sudo apt-get install libpthread-stubs0-dev

For someone who would face same issue: the problem was due to old nvidia drivers which had problems with vulkan. Just update them.

Also one possible overcome for it was using -opengl flag when launching packaged game, but it doesn’t work with ue5 due to deprecation (only ue4).