Seeking some clarification on Persistence and Trackers as of today

Hey, I’m currently not at my main workstation for a while and the trial and error (on a noodly lil laptop) needed to work this out on my own is outside of my pain tolerance at this moment.

So, I have some questions about persistence, mainly is it actually implemented yet? It seems like it is. If it is: My current understanding (from other forum posts and the documentation) is that a Tracker Device set to track “Events” should be able to allow you to track any arbitrary playerdata that you can represent with a positive number less than 10,000. Is this wishful thinking?

This entire engine is a big question mark in my head even after scanning the docs and writing up some (untested) Verse to implement an EXP system, so any guidance is hugely appreciated.

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Hey QuestionableName,

Yes tracker persistance is implemented,

I think of the Tracker as a counting device,
It will start the count at the Starting Value Number
and Complete the Tracker when it hits the Target Value.

It will count the Event Stat by using the User Options - Functions of Increment Progress and Decrement Progress.

When completed it will have an event When Complete, which can be used by something.

Using just the Devices, it can only really be used to trigger something else when it reaches the target value and Completes.
I would like to know if Verse can return a trackers current value ??

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