Hello! I am new to unreal engine it has only been 10 month since I started using it, Tho I have been using C++ since 2021, Right now I am a 3D artist using blender, I have been using blender since 2013 working in industry using the same.
All this time I have used Udemy and YouTube to learn anything about UE4-5. The thing is I really want to be a game dev or what the proper term is for it, Naturally I looked what they ask for qualifications as a C++ unreal dev posting. I found out that everywhere understandably they ask for some experience and my portfolio right now being nothing related to UE anything, I know I am nowhere near that.
So I searched for any institutes which are unreal engine authorized and found out that in my country India this Edge Metaversity seems to be on top and is actually one of the only ones which even has C++ in their course other ones mostly have Design stuff.
I Wanted to ask if anybody has enrolled in any of these institutes how good are they? At the end of their courses they have a hiring program where they bring companies to interview, How true is that? For Unreal Engine is this the only way to get into the industry because I feel like I am kind of lost in what should I be doing next, so any guidance would be great, Thanks!