Seeking Game Development Collaboration/Partnership for a New Game (and to Learn) - Using My Invented Product (US Patent Pending)

*Edit (22AUG24): Added/attached (5) x pictures, for review/consideration. Added some additional information about ‘how’ exactly my invention works (that is, blank white playing cards that insert into cubed connectors, which can either be used as 1 x whole/full unit/piece OR separated into 2 x separate units/pieces—a female, receiving connector 1/2 portion and a male, pegged connector 1/2portion—and, can be used in/for a variety of different ‘use cases’ and ‘applications’.


Hi there, Unreal Engine Community,

My name is Howie, I’m from Eastern PA, and I am seeking a collab/partnership with a game developer (w/ reasonable skill/experience) on—at least what I believe to be/has the potential to be—a pretty exciting project.

For game dev, my thought/idea is to—like The LEGO Group has done/been doing with Fortnite/Unreal Engine—to do similar, but with using a physical product I had invented (US Patent Pending) as a ‘base’ component (akin to a LEGO brick).

My thought is to go 50/50, but open to negotiation and discussion if this project intrigues you and you ‘see’ something here. At this point in my research, I’m still attempting to figure out what exactly is even possible to be done here.

…I have available the created 3D CAD model that I can provide.

I am told that it can be imported into Unreal Engine, as an asset.


The ‘concept’ behind my product is simple and, for game dev—in the research I’ve done so far—I believe there to be the potential to, perhaps, introduce a ‘painting’ mechanic (like Eastshade).

My product basically consists of unique, cubed card connectors/holders which, when combined with blank white playing cards (which are inserted into the cubed connectors), offers a very unique, versatile, way to build various walls, terrain and worlds—treating the cards as a ‘blank canvas’ to be drawn, colored, painted on—living’ or ‘existing’ at the intersection of multiple different play patterns.

(That is, LEGO meets Crayola…)

LEGO = building & construction play pattern

Crayola = arts & crafts play pattern (for creativity, expression…a proverbial playground for the imagination…)


I started to go down this path of researching game dev, after I had reached out to/exchanged emails with, the SVP of Toy Innovation at a rather large toy company, pitching my ‘toy’ product to him.

He had responded, also CC’ing their head of games design/development, to consider and review.

In his response—and, I can certainly provide the name of the toy company and full email traffic—he had basically mentioned their/the toy company he works for (possibly) being interested in a game that exists at the intersection of:

—physically building and constructing (he had mentioned Minecraft)


—a TCG/CCG, like Pokémon, Magic the Gathering, etc (a sort of build-and-play game, he had mentioned).

(In complete transparency upfront, he/the company have not actually committed to a game such as this being created—moreso, at this point, he was just communicating what he believes and wonders as what ‘could be’ possible to be created here.)

Granted, this was in relation to a physical board/card game being created.


Although I have been in touch with physical tabletop card/game designers, developers, and publishers about (possibly) developing a physical board/card game around it….intrigued by what The LEGO Group is doing with Fortnite, I thought I would explore possibilities and opportunities in this space.


To the table, I bring:

—Created 3D CAD Model.

—Sales Data/Customer Reviews. As the closest, ‘similar’ product—that most people seem to ‘get’ immediately—I’m not anywhere near The LEGO Group’s level/volume of sales…but I can still provide it, if there is value/interest here, for review/consideration.

—Protectable IP (US Patent Pending). In context of this project, I don’t know how pertinent/relevant this would be, but still thought I would mention it. Online and offline, I know there has been discussion w/ regards to whether US patents still hold the value they once did. My US patent application continues to be examined by a patent examiner, at the USPTO (United States Patent & Trademark Office).

—Social Media Presence. For marketing leading up to a game launch, I have been working on building up our social media presence—with Instagram being the highest, with 2,890 followers. On YouTube, I have (3) x channels w/ very modest subscriber counts—but actively working to grow them—where I do different projects, focusing on different ‘use cases’ and ‘applications’ for my product.

—Teachable/Willingness to Learn.

Thank you for your time and consideration here.

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Cool Invention. When are you starting your Kickstarter?

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Thank you!

No Kickstarter; brought on a partner and we have been self-funding it.

In complete transparency upfront, since originally making this post—and, nothing/no partnership/collab has been finalized yet—but, I have now been in touch with a gamedev, exploring possibilities with it.

With my 1st post being limited to sharing only (5) x images, here are some additional images, showing (some options of) what is possible to be built/created with using it!: