Seeking Assistance with Maintaining Switch State Across Rounds in BluePrint Programming

Hello Epic Games Forum community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a project involving BluePrint programming, and I am facing a challenge that I believe some of you might be able to help me with.

Specifically, I am trying to implement a feature where a switch’s state remains unchanged across multiple rounds. For instance, if I turn the switch on in the first round, I want it to retain that state in subsequent rounds (2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on).

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or code snippets you could provide to help me achieve this functionality. If you have experience or insights into maintaining state across rounds in BluePrint programming, your expertise would be invaluable to me.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing from the knowledgeable members of this community.

Best regards,

I think Sessions are round specific now so global variables aren’t really a thing. You could have players be granted a certain item and check those items with a conditional button at the beginning of the round. Makes sure to set keep items for each round

The thing is im making a weapon vote system with random loot on every round, but the use persistance feature on the Switch device is currently bugged. The only way i could make it work is by making it so when i turn on the switch on the first round, the switch stays on, in the following rounds.