See saws, constraints, big weights and characters

Unreal 5.2.

I have a see saw set up:

  • a big plank mesh
  • a constraint setting the plank as the second component
  • free swing on the plank

it works! I can drop a huge heavy physics block on one end of the see saw and it tilts down correctly.

if I stand my character on one end of the see saw, it tilts down more slowly and it feels reasonable.

If my character is standing on one end while a huge weight drops on the other, the weight doesn’t have much impact. it feels like the player weighs a huge amount, but their mass is set to 100kg vs 4000kg for the weight (and about 7000 for the plank). the weight isn’t able to tilt, and in fact the see saw if anything tilts towards the player. if the player jumps, the see saw starts reacting correctly to the weight until the player lands again.

The character movement component is pretty much default. I’ve tried playing with enable/disable physics interaction, the force factors, scaling ticks, etc, but to no affect. I’ve made the character mass 1kg and it behaves the same.

What I really want is for the seesaw to tilt with the big weight like the player pretty much isn’t there. I don’t particularly want them thrown in the air or anything, but that would be nice.

Is the physics doing something here to respect the player? How can I debug that? How do I get a more “realistic” behaviour here?

The movement component pretty much takes over and does its own simulation-emulation. Have you fiddled with those:

yes I’ve played with a ton of those and not had any luck.

This is the default behaviour on my end where the player is 100kg with 1.75 gravity scale.

Here, the player is 1750kg vs 2t, but we have a much better lever.


How close is this to what you’re trying accomplish?

I don’t particularly want them thrown in the air or anything, but that would be nice.

This bit can be a bit tricky as the movement component really likes to keep the char glued to the ground until they jump or actual force / impulse is applied to the comp. This has never propagated properly in setups like this, sadly. I believe this is what you’re observing as the unnatural force that the player applies which makes them seem like a much heavier object. That 500kg in the 3rd example should have yeeted us up a bit.

these are great gifs, thank you. you can see in your second gif that the 100kg player is able to hold down the 200kg weight, when really the seesaw should be tipping in the other direction. that’s the issue I’m facing, except with 100kg vs 4000kg. I’m going to experiment with a fresh character controller and see if I can replicate your results.

yeeting is entirely optional, we can forget that constraint for now.

No, the default gravity scale is set to 1.75 (in that template) - the player is 175kg. Set it to 1 and will behave fine, which should look closer to:

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There, I learnt something new!

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