If you look at the youtube channel for UE4 there is a Introduction to Level design tutorial that includes an automatic sliding door, which is opened by a trigger volume. (Tutorial 8, 9 and 10 in this collection)
You should be able to copy that example but trigger it with your own switch instead?
You would need to have an actor or a volume as part of your bookshelf that you could detect whether the player is looking at it using a trace, and then highlight it so the user knew they could interact with it … then when they press the interact key boom … bookshelf starts moving :-o
Of course this requires an actor, correct usage of the line trace feature and then highlighting an actor and then an animation for the interaction … but im sure you can handle it :oD
thanks man you are very helpful i will watch it now.
PD: I have already done my secret bookshelf and work flawlesly even put some more work with a little of patience and studying…so now i need to tag this as (resolved) but i dont know how :S