Hi. USing the UE4 Third person tutorial and a few other tutorials I created a setup with a dinosaur that walks, runs, jumps, and bites
I still don’t have a complete understanding of blueprints so right now I only have the bite as an attack.
I want to know how to make a leaping or tackling attack that launches the player forward
I’ll also need a way to go about making a slamming attack for when the character is in the air
Here’s a video of my progress so far, the blueprints are very much the same as the standard UE4 third person setup
Lastly, if there’s a way to make the player change into a panicking animation when they fall for too long that would be great too
As well as a way to restrict the player from attacking again and again in quick succession
I’m an animator and modeler first and foremost so I can take care of most of these things
For your attack animation you should just be able to animate that in your 3d package and have that setup accordingly in your BP. To trigger an animation you could do it a couple of ways… You can use animation notify to play an animation at a certain point… or create a BP that detects the state of the player as “falling” and then have it play that animation.
The way I would do this is to mave the “Leap” animation that shows the dino starting to leap and then apply a force to it to get it to move and then play another animation for landing.
Was that clear?
I have looked AvP2 models before and they have “Leap”, “Mid-Air” and “Landing” animations that play for there respecitive parts.
Thanks, but like I said I’m still not great with blueprints.
The character has one attack and I would have no idea where to go about attaching a second one.
EDIT: I tried imitating everything I did for the bite (Which is the setup for a punch in the tutorial) and nothing happens when I right click, I can’t tell what’s missing at all
I would use a “switch” and “enum” for the different attack states.
Then all you would need to do is wire up each attack with the required state.
You could keep using bools, But that gets messier then a switch.
For now you can wire up a new brach off the fals of the “Is Biting?” check and do something else.
The method I described earlier would require anim notifiers to work seamlessly, You would use the notifier to apply the force to the character at the end of the leap animation.
There is a beginners tutorial to BPs in the docs somewhere, That should help you understand how they work.
i would use a boolean for the attack states, for example, if you want it to do primary attack and then secondary attack with pressing the same button twice, at the end of primary attack, set a bool to true, and at the beginning of the bp, check that variable to be true or false, and branch, for the jumping attack, i would also do the same, set a variable for when they are in the air, and change it when landed, and branch to check if it is true or not, hope this helps