Secene physics for HairWorks


I recently built Nvidia’s Hariworks+UE4 from source and followed a simple tutorial on how to create a simple model to use in UE4. This model is consisted of a .FBX and .apx (hairworks file for hair) files. I can import both in UE4 and all seems fine. I followed this simple tutorial: HairWorks Quick start Unreal Engine 4 Pipeline - YouTube

My question is. How can I make those hairs be “linked” to the scene physics? For example, as show in the video at 9:04, tilting the plane where the hair/grass is makes them bend to the correct side.

did you figure it out? I need to know so badly :frowning:

I’m way too late but thought I’d answer in case someone sees this. Inside the hairworks asset you need to enable “simulate in world space”