Seats AutoGeneration

Hello all,

I want to create automatically the seats of a stadium, near 100,000 seats, and keep the option to manage each seat information. Nowadays, I have a mesh from 3ds Max with every seat, and the information stored in a database.

I have tried to generate the seats layout in Unreal with bluetilities, but when I reach 10,000 seats the performance goes down and become impossible to work.

I think it is possible because in strategy videogames you can manage thousands of warriors, and each one have information of itself.

How can I create all the seats in Unreal?

Thanks in advance,

There is no way to do it with each seat being unique actor. You could rely on instanced static meshes. Perhaps it would be even possible to use foliage system for that and design a blueprint, that would spawn your seats in specific pattern.

Alternatively, just export all seats as a single mesh. In both cases you should mind total triangle count.

At this point you should probably provide a bit more details regarding what you are trying to achieve and what kind of interaction with every seat do you need.

Ideally each section would be an instanced group or at least merged together. Also you’ll most likely need reasonable triangle counts or LODs.