Search not showing relevant products

Sorry for the issues surrounding search. We are very aware and actively working on it. There are a number of issues within search that lead to the current behaviour, and as we work our way through these you will be seeing search results differ and change quite a bit from time to time.

Tags indeed have more weight now but it is far from perfect. What we are trying to get to is that you can enter say ‘low poly stylized cartoon rock pack’ and that it accurately finds the right products based on these keywords. Tags are an important part of this as they are the keywords, but they may have too much weight right now. We will need to find the best balance between things.

Aside from tag weights we have a number of other tag features on our list: suggested/key tags during the publishing process, and filter by one or multiple tags as an extra filter option within a search result. We will look over the list of available tags in general too.

As raised here we are also having issues around it largely ignoring or downprioritizing additional search terms. For example one of our test cases is ‘handgun blueprint’ which results a lot of guns that don’t seem to have anything to do with ‘blueprint’ at all.

And it is also sometimes overly prioritizing very short entries. Results that sometimes have as little as a single word as description or a single tag can surface pretty high which makes no sense, as also raised above in this thread.

There are various things like that that we are actively working on to improve at the moment. It is our current highest prio.

I understand this may impact sales or ranking, but the current search is overall not great so we will need to work on this. If we can improve search overall that should ultimately be better for everyone even if it causes some unfortunate disruption at the moment.

Noted on the changelog @Probezeit, passing it to the team.

@Arodi007 It is on our list to also reflect things like ratings, however this is not without its own challenges. We will want to make sure that new content has a chance of surfacing in results too so we will strife to hit some kind of balance there.

@KomodoBitGames what are some of the results you’d prefer to see for ‘zombie animations’?
I currently see this - which seems reasonable from a UE dev perspective at least (lot of UE content in this result), apart from the hospital result which seems to have nothing to do with the search query at all.

@RecourseDesign I am currently seeing following result for “rd” - which all use ‘rd’ in the title or description, however yes your products, which start with the letters RD, are much further down. This is an interesting one. The other results are above your products because they contain “rd” as a separate word, whereas yours has it as part of of another word. That may be tricky for us to solve, because it is the same problem as “rock” needing to prioritize actual rocks (match) and not rockets or rocking chairs (partial). I will discuss it with the team.

@VertexMachine using ‘low poly nature’ I currently see your packs on result 2 and 10, and overall seemingly reasonable results, but I take that is because you probably since changed the tags?

Any examples or problem queries anyone finds please let us know. We can use them as test cases as we work through this.
Thanks all!


Yesterday when I searched zombie animations it was showing a zombie house asset, a zombie hand(a right hand of a zombie) and other unrelated things. Today it is working so whatever you did fixed the issue.

Thanks for the response. This is what I see:

Edit: And while we’re on the subject - It looks like my sales are missing for the period of time my TaxInfo had expired.

Just revert back to ue marketplace, everyone(buyers and sellers on this forum, discord and reddit) is disliking the direction of Fab is taking.

At least in the meantime, while epic team is developing Fab to switch to ue marketplace. You are asking too much for sellers where we need to check our product ranking daily because epic team randomly making changes without any notice. Road map and Release Note havent changed at all for months.

Fab is starting to lose reputation and that what is causing the issues with sales for all sellers. This will continue to get worsen because more AI content will continue to flood Fab and buyers are not looking for that particular type. They are looking for quality asset that we are used to with ue marketplace.

You can also make some kind of poll asking the community buyers+sellers what they really want.


Yes. Before adding ‘nature’ to tags I couldn’t even find it despite the search term “low poly nature” was a title of the pack(s). Still the results are IMO not ideal - I would expect the order of those two packs to be swapped: the bigger pack that has multiple reviews and high rating and contains more content… But I am guessing that currently it’s lower due to having more tags (as it contains more diverse content).

Please reach out to our support team and they will take a look.

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I would like to point out that AI sellers benefit the most from this search algorithm. It assigns a fixed amount of weight to tags, dividing it among the provided tags. When there are only a few tags, each one carries significantly more weight. Since AI sellers typically put very minimal effort into tagging, titles, and descriptions (they didn’t even create the assets themselves), they end up being the primary beneficiaries. Consequently, the algorithm disproportionately boosts their assets to the top, often overshadowing others.


Hi, so I reached out, got an email saying it was being escalated to one of the senior support agents.

Then I get a generic AI response.

I reply asking if a confirmation check to be done to clarify the sales and I get another AI response saying to check my Sales Report Tab.

Just testing - this post doesn’t seem to be displayed in the new posts when added to, unlike all other posts.

Edit: Interesting, it didn’t update.

Edit: Edit: Just testing it again to see if it still happens.

Edit: Edit: Edit: Testing again as requested

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Ye i notice that too recently, i have to manually check each category to really know if there any new post.