Search bar for "Transactions" list (Very unresponsive when loading results)

  1. Allow account users to search for transactions, instead of having to click “Show More”
    The current transaction log (in user account settings) suffers from poor performance issues when loading transactions from far back, which can be a requirement for getting receipt information, or perhaps just having made many transactions within a small period of time.
    When you try to load a specific transaction, the screen can hang for ages while it loads just a couple entries. (Shown in the screenshot below)

    It also has the issue of having to scroll down to hit “Show More”, while very slowly reaching the transaction you want. I’m using a fairly high-end PC, but even it struggles to load when you go back about 1-2 years to look for a specific transaction.

  2. Allow users to hide games from their account, so they don’t show up in your library or profile
    While focusing on the transaction log, I’d also like to suggest the option of hiding a game from your account, so users and devs can cleanup games, sandboxes, and other tools, which they may no long need or want to be shown on their profile and/or library years later.
    This would cause these games to stop showing up in your library (and profile), making it cleaner and much more responsive, while also allowing users to hide games which they no longer have any interest in taking up space in their library, as well as launcher cache.

Concept, featuring the search bar and buttons to hide/unhide games from a user account

Hey there Kiznel,

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Thanks for the response!

I’ll share these with player support and hopefully can make it back to the developers.