Search And Seizure [UE4 Project] Development underway!

Hello Epic Community!

To begin, Elite Force Games, is a Modding/ Indie Group Focused on 1: Developing work towards a Demo of a neat Game Concept, to be worked on in the Hopes of getting to Alpha/ Full Release, and 2: if we do not get the work done and it falls apart, it is *** stated very clearly*** that any work on the project remains the IP of the creator, and only gets published by the group upon Title Release…

I have been managing Free Assets and producing models to fill in any areas not covered by downloadable Assets, ie. i Did get a good handful of Free Assets However i modified most of them and produced my own 3d/2d artwork in 3ds Max/ Photoshop/ CrazyBump/ and UE4. I am mostly a 3d modeller that skins my models and i have a good amount of “Mapping” Experience, however the whole Level Design is a bit much for me, Though i am very well-versed in Unreal’s Content Management, and always loved the simplicity of importing my work and doing ‘quick n easy mapping’…

Thanks for any feedback members give,I have supported many games as a Modder, and i hope that Our efforts will be supported in the future.

Our Site:

Discord links moved to new server, the old one was Phished and Trolled, i could use a Bot Handler as a member as well.