he used Maya 2022 running Python 3.7 using latest assets from Unreal 5.2 and i tested it with Maya 2019 Python 2.7 which is why it doesn’t work for me.
There are actually a few different people doing this sort of script - and some are unfortunately charging for them. But yes, Sean’s is one that is free, and he has updated it for “5.2”, but he works from the other end - his is a script for Maya only, whereas most of us are using UE python scripts to get keyframe data out, in non-fbx formats.
Have you tried reaching out to him directly to ask why his system doesn’t work for you? He just updated it, I thought, so it should work fine in 5.2 with MHA.
yea i’m using an older version of maya which is why it’s not compatible…i found the other script ($25) and it works on an older version of maya so it’s something i could use! thanks for the heads up.
Hey Sean! I just saw that you updated this script and I tried it and it works! It’s definitely slow but it’s good enough for me as long as it works! Thanks so much for this awesome script! Just in time while I’m trying to work on a new short film using all these new toys!
I have another update incoming that will address the slowness. Old code with 1500 frames took 3:00min and new code takes 25sec. Great to hear it’s working