I’ve been trying to find a way to keep or re-fetch the variables saved in my GameMode/GameState after a seamless travel, but I haven’t found a way to do so.
All I’ve found was a way to get the old playerstate and save it to the new playerstate by using the “Event CopyProperties”.
Any suggestions on how to get the data from GameMode/GameState after seamless travel?
I forgot to mention that I’m using a dedicated server, and I want the server to keep the data after the seamless travel. I read that if I use the game instance for this purpose this would be a waste of memory because they will stay in memory right from the session start, until it is shutdown.
Is there a way to send the variables in parameter and fetch them on level load? like the “options” variable in “Open Level”?
u can also generate parameters with a custom travel url and let the server parse it url
btw always question what you read… “wasting memory” is an odd statment in this case
we dont need to be hyper efficient with everything we do… its better to use solutions that work, are easy to maintain and understand. idk what data we are talking about, i for example use a few structs like this (wich will be like 100 strings and ints)
idc if I “waste” a few bytes if my server has just 1 GB RAM (not to mention memory virtualization…) (this would be ~ 1 000 000 000 bytes remember 6 is the one with the million is this is 9 zeroes…)
and finally if we would care so much about that tiny space we can put all our stuff into a travel object and clear it after loading
its way more important what data it is, how sensitive it is, how much etc… then we can talk about implementations pro and cons
how many people are traveling to what server/client setup etc… i didnt even know that we are talking about a dedicated server / online game from your initial post wich is a huge game changer
Best way for dedicated server is to use Jason to interact with a middle web browser and send all the data you need to a MySQL or other type of database and then load it back in the other side . But for now as suggested the game instance is an easy solution. If you’re not bothered about security you could as a last resort simply get each player to create a player save on their own computer and then copy the data back in but assuming as you’re using a dedicated server then game is multiplayer so this probably won’t be a good idea