This is an example I’ve made, but it doesn’t have the best results as far as tansition between the textures themselves, because they are mixing together, yes… but not in a linear fashion… like from A to B… I want A to be 100% texture 1 and B, 100% texture 2… And the in between to be a gradual and seamless transition from one to another.
I would also like to have more than 2 texture doing the gradient, at least 6 rock textures to gradually transition one to another, if possible.
If anyone has any tips, I would really appreciate.
Thanks for your time!
But an issue occurs when I basically “fuse” the multiple gradients… Because, he mixes the in-between gradients, on top of each other, and it’s not exactly what it’s intended.
This is how it looks in a smaller scale so that it fits the screen:
if (z < 0.125) return lerp(a, b, (z-0.000) * 8);
if (z < 0.250) return lerp(b, c, (z-0.125) * 8);
if (z < 0.375) return lerp(c, d, (z-0.250) * 8);
if (z < 0.500) return lerp(d, e, (z-0.375) * 8);
if (z < 0.625) return lerp(e, f, (z-0.500) * 8);
if (z < 0.750) return lerp(f, g, (z-0.625) * 8);
if (z < 0.875) return lerp(g, h, (z-0.750) * 8);
return h;