SDK Licenses

I wanted to package my app but impossible (knowing that in the old version of ue I had no problems with the sdks) but since the V5 and after more than a week of install, install and search I can not install correctly the sdk of the following tutorial:
How to Set Up Android SDK and NDK For Your Unreal Engine Development Environment | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

So I have this error msg:
Update failed. Did you accept the license agreement?

So I checked the licenses with the following code:
%ANDROID_HOME%toolsbinsdkmanager.bat --licenses
Who tells me it’s:
All sdk package licenses accepted
but by checking in the folder (AppDataLocalAndroidSdklicenses) and from what I could find on gogole you need the following 5 files:

• android-sdk-license
• android-sdk-preview-license

• android-googletv-license
• google-gdk-license
• mips-android-sysimage-license

but I have only the first two…
So I can’t go to the end of the process…
Someone help me please???
thanks in advance…

I have the same problem but on ue 4.27.2

Read this guide: How to Set Up Android SDK and NDK For Your Unreal Engine Development Environment | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation It helped me.

Почитай вот это руководство: How to Set Up Android SDK and NDK For Your Unreal Engine Development Environment | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation Мне оно помогло.