Hello, I am currently working on a landscape, and I want to use the sculpting alpha brush tool to make some mountains and hills, but when I tried dragging the image onto the little pannel where you drag & drop your images it shows up green BUT when I release the LMB it is just the DefaultAlphaTexture and not my image.
The texture must have the following qualities to be used as an alpha for sculpting landscapes:
RGB, or RGBA. Greyscale does not work.
The image format is not restricted to TARGA (.tga). PNG and JPG works too.
Non-Square resolutions work as well.
The compression format does not matter.
I personally use substance designer for texturing. In this case, you would make sure that the output format is “C8.”
I was using UE5 and try to create landscape with alpha. And i’ve got the same problem.
I’ve tried two days, finally I realized if you import a .png file to UE5, no matter how you set the picture format, whether if it is a 16 bit or 8 bit , RGB or Gray, it just doesn’t work. But if you import a .jpg file it will magically work. Maybe .tga file will work too? I didn’t tried that.
I’m not sure about if it’s working on UE4. Cause I 've never noticed someone mentioned this. So I believe this is a bug.