Scrolling Landscape

Hey all,
First time post here.

I have a quandary: I’m attempting to get a longish narrow landscape to scroll slowing. For context, I have a ship and moving water and I want to fake movement by having a landscape that’s been sculpted, vertex painted, and has foliage scroll towards the stationary camera. This landscape can be seen under the water, and at times breaches the surface. I’m an environment artist, so my technical skills are pretty rudimentary.

Ideally I’d love to create a level instance that I can set dress with a landscape, coral, fish particle systems, seafloor static meshes, etc., and create a blueprint with the level instance and have the whole thing slightly moving.

I’ve successfully create a LI blueprint with all of the elements I’d like in it (static meshes, foliage, particles) but can’t for the life of me get something in the event graph to get it moving. I was following a similar strategy I used for simple cloud static meshes to move, with no luck.

Eventually I’d love to kill the scroll, when it reaches the end and just repeat it again, but for now I’m happy with just having a somewhat long landscape, as each round of gameplay only lasts around 3-5mins, and it’ll be moving slowly.

Any advice would be appreciated. Or tutorials, marketplace products recommendations would be awesome.

I had a similar design objective. I used a course on the Udemy website called Unreal Engine 5: The Ultimate Endless Runner Course to help me figure it all out.

The course was made using the deprecated keyboard control scheme so i hade to fiddle around and learn the new process, which honestly i have to go back and re-learn as I haven’t touched it in a couple months lol. If you catch Udemy courses at the right day of the week they are typically $12 - $14 dollars as they go on sale frequently. Do not buy at full price of $60+ dollars. Just wait a couple days for them to go on sale again.

Hope this helps. Also YouTube has Endless runner courses as well, if that’s what you’ll need.

Hope that helps,


Thanks for the reply. And yeah, I’d be more than happy to spend the money on a course, but nowhere in the description or the trailer does it give me confidence that he uses a landscape component as a backdrop for his endless runner.