Does anybody know a free and existing scroll text… like and end credits of a movie?
would be super cool to have something like this ready to download… and to use in a level… kinda like the star wars 3d scroll…
thanks for any little help!
Does anybody know a free and existing scroll text… like and end credits of a movie?
would be super cool to have something like this ready to download… and to use in a level… kinda like the star wars 3d scroll…
thanks for any little help!
You can easily make it with BP and the text render tool.
Without even having to use the UMG system.
just paste whatever text in the text render node, and set up the scrolling via tick node math.
detla time × speed right into a custom set variable that you subsequently use to change the Z offset.
I never looked into that tool. Is there anywhere a small tut?
You can probably find a wildstein tutorial if you search for it, but it’s such an easy/basic thing that even the documentation is just a few lines.