when i enabled ScriptPlugin in my project, set the type “Type” : “Program”, cannot generated anything, but when i changed the type to “Type” : “Runtime”, it generated a editor’s dll,which is not my exptced.
“FileVersion” : 3,
“Version” : 1,
“VersionName” : “1.0”,
“FriendlyName” : “Script Plugin”,
“Description” : “An example of a script plugin. This can be used as a starting point when creating your own plugin.”,
“Category” : “Examples”,
“CreatedBy” : “Epic Games, Inc.”,
“CreatedByURL” : “http://epicgames.com”,
“DocsURL” : “”,
“MarketplaceURL” : “”,
“SupportURL” : “”,
“EnabledByDefault” : false,
“CanContainContent” : false,
“IsBetaVersion” : false,
“Installed” : false,
“CanBeUsedWithUnrealHeaderTool” : true,
"Modules" :
"Name" : "ScriptGeneratorPlugin",
"Type" : "Program",
"LoadingPhase" : "PostConfigInit"
"Name" : "ScriptPlugin",
"Type" : "Runtime",
"LoadingPhase" : "PreDefault",
"BlacklistPlatforms" :
"Name" : "ScriptEditorPlugin",
"Type" : "Editor",
"LoadingPhase" : "Default",
"BlacklistPlatforms" :